Wednesday, August 7, 2013

27 days and counting.

I'm leaving the country in 27 days. I will not be living in America for 3 months. Cue freak out mode oh right about now. 

If you haven't heard, I have been accepted into a 3 month study abroad program in Vienna, Austria which takes place this coming September-Novemeber. It's basically the opportunity of a lifetime, because I get to take classes while I'm there that are still towards my major. So, I will stay caught up with my studies. I'll just be doing so while traveling through all of Europe. To say I'm excited is an understatement. 

I figured I should start a blog now, so that I can share my pre-Vienna thoughts before I leave.

I'm way excited to be going on this journey, but I'm nervous as well. 
These are just a few of the things that are making me feel uneasy:
  • This will be my first time leaving the country.
  • Anyone who knows me, knows I'm addicted to my iPhone, and 90% of the time while I am there I won't be able to use it.
  • I've seen the movie Taken. 
  • Separation anxiety from my friends.
  • No hair straightener.
  • I have zero sense of direction. 
  • Seven hour time difference from the states.
  • Different currency. I'm pretty fond of the American dollar. 
  • Living out of only one fifty pound suitcase and a backpack for 90 days.
  • No Netflix.
  • I know maybe 3 words in German. 
But, I'm excited for a lot of things as well:
  • I've heard there's lots and lots of bread.
  • I'm pretty sure even the ugliest places in Europe are still more beautiful than Champaign, IL.
  • The pastries in Vienna, the chocolate in Switzerland, the pasta/gelato in Italy, fish and chips in England.
  • The pictures I will take.
  • New friendships.
  • Living in an apartment instead of a dorm.
  • Did I already mention food?
  • Train rides to different countries, and apparently Europeans love to read on the train. Yes. 
  • Some of the largest H&M stores exist within walking distance of my apartment. 
  • I've been told people in Europe adore curly hair. Score one for my head. 
  • Writing in my beautiful leather journal.
  • Wearing red lipstick.
  • Once in a life time experiences. 
I am one lucky girl for having an opportunity like this. 
I have a picture in my head of what this experience will be like, but I can't wait for God to completely throw me for a loop. He always does, and it's always awesome. 

I'm not much of a writer, so don't expect too much out of this blog. But I plan on keeping it updated with my travels, so if you're looking to keep up with me and what I'm doing, this will be the place to look. Also, if you feel so inclined, I'd really appreciate some prayers for safe travels. I won't lie, flying over the ocean terrifies me. 
We leave September 3rd!